
The most advanced creature on our planet is the Rupple. It is a descendant of the Macropus rufus linage. Features include Sophisticated temperature regulation, large body size, a diversification of tooth shape, increased brain size, and a specializatio n of the limbs.

The Rupple's main evolutionary occurance can be viewed through the runaway hypothesis and the honest advertisement hypothesis. The tail length and the foot size has evolved to be smaller and the preference (in the female reproductive search) has evolved for a preference for smaller feet and tails. Also, a shorter t ail and feet make for a better father, so females prefer these type individuals.

Both the male and female are required for the early childhood stages of the offspring. The offspring is in the womb of the mother for three months. Following birth, the offspring spends five additional months alternating between the pouch of the father and the mother.

Generally food comes from the sea. There are many animals that live in the sea, and the Rupples eat the meat from them. Farming is also important in this world. Farms in the inland area provide the green, red, and blue vegetables that the rupples need for their diet.

Temperature regulation is a must for our seintents since they spend some time in the water searching for food, and some time on land.

Due to competition for food and other resources, all flying, stinging insects have gone extinct. Flowers are pollinated by very small bird like creatures. The coadaptive nature of the pollinators and the flowers has produced large, very brightly colore d flowers on almost all plant forms, even the very large plants as tall as 100 feet or more are colored in many different flowers of various colors. These large flowers help in turning solar energy to usable energy in a similar method to photosynthesis. Plants have adapted to use a broader spectrum of light as opposed to those on earth that can only use green. This has resulted in multicolored flowers and plants.

Ecological aspects such as weather systems and chemical ecology are controlled by the sea. The ocean waves produced by the planet's spinning create winds and rain for the land to water the crops. Also, the ocean serves as a chemical buffer for all the chemical processes occurring in the air.

The lack of flying insects and the rise of importance of the small bird has been wonderful for the overall ecological web. It has caused the production of large, multicolored flowers that are adapted for more colors of light to photosynthesize, resultin g in more solar energy being turned into usable energy in the plants. This results in more energy being in the food that is eaten, causing the need for less food being produced.

Population limits don't seem to be a problem right now on the planet. The planet is still early in its development, so over population in not yet a problem. However, it is looking like food resources will not be the limiting factor, but land space.

The importance of family looks to be genetic, however the people on this planet are not advanced yet enough to test the theory. Perhaps one day in the future this question and many other questions will be answered about life on this planet.